We at Clayton Presbyterian 
have an abundance of Christ's love 
to offer all who enter. God's love
and grace is shared here every day.
Where everybody is somebody, and Jesus Christ is Lord.

Sunday September 22, 11 am Worship Service
Scripture: Psalm 54; James 2:1-7
Sermon: Rejecting Favoritism and Partiality

Adult Bible Study, 9:30am
Study on Parables of Jesus

Chime Choir Rehearsal - Thursdays, 2:45 pm
​Choir Rehearsal - Thursdays 4 pm 

Moving Mountains Christian Gathering - Saturday, September 21, 1-5 PM at the Pavilions at the Rabun Civic Center sponsored by Truth Chapel

​​Fellowship Dinner at Black Rock - Sunday, September 29

​​​​Presbyterian Women - Tuesday, October 1, 10 am

Congregational Meeting - Sunday, October 13
Columbarium Dedication Service - Sunday, October 13

​Session Meeting - Monday, October 14, 10 am

Game Night - Wednesday, October 16, 5:30 PM

​Dementia Support Group for Family Caregivers meets on Tuesdays, 12:30 -2:00 pm

Narcotics Anonymous meets in the Library on Thursdays at 7:00 pm. 
Welcome to Clayton Presbyterian