We at Clayton Presbyterian
have an abundance of Christ's love
to offer all who enter. God's love
and grace is shared here every day.
Where everybody is somebody, and Jesus Christ is Lord.
Sunday February 9, 11 am Worship Service
Scripture: Leviticus 5:14-6:7
Sermon: Offerings in Retribution
Adult Bible Study, 9:30am
Study on Job
Chime Choir Rehearsal - Thursdays, 2:45 pm
Choir Rehearsal - Thursdays 4 pm
Souper Bowl Fellowship Meal - Sunday, February 9
Session Meeting - Monday, February 10, 10 am
Single Seniors Over 60 Group - Wednesday, February 12, 2 pm
Presbyterian Women - Tuesday, March 4, 10 am
Dementia Support Group for Family Caregivers meets on Tuesdays, 1 pm
Narcotics Anonymous meets in the Library on Thursdays at 7 pm.
Welcome to Clayton Presbyterian